Transform into a “Buying Buddy” with Digital Dealership Solutions

The changes that the digital era brings to the automotive industry are inevitable. Car dealers no longer have people knocking on their doors to learn about their cars. The customers are much more informed and certain about their choices and options, when they enter a showroom to purchase a car. They look up features and …

Startup Trends to Watch for in 2020

Startups, no matter how small, play a significant role in global economic growth. Also, let’s just not limit them to economic growth, while most of the startups aim to make an impact rather than making a profit. Along with creating more jobs, they also focus on introducing disruptive technology and offering solutions. The Startup ecosystem …

Automotive Trends to look out for in 2020

Enter 2020, the lines have already started to blur between what exists and what’s possible. Leading consumer tech firms are giving a sneak peek into the future of consumer technology and automotive to be precise. And, hence, the recent report by KPMG stating that the automotive industry is the second most data-driven industry in the …

Top Gaming and Entertainment Trends to Watch Out For in 2019

With the digital wave, we are witnessing massive changes for businesses across industries. The rollout of 5G and similar emerging technologies will create a host of new opportunities for all major industries. These technologies will help in skyrocketing growth and innovation for the gaming and entertainment sectors. For every business in the entertainment and gaming …

Digital Transformation in Automotive Aftermarket: Trends to Look Out for

Digital Transformation is a hot topic across businesses and industries today. The automotive and automotive aftermarket industries have been highly impacted by the new and disruptive technologies and trends emerging at a head-spinning rate. Driverless vehicles, Artificial Intelligence, smart transportation, etc. are some of the trends that are rapidly changing the automotive and automotive aftermarket …

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